You will need a current referral if you wish to claim a rebate from Medicare for the fees you are charged. You may obtain a referral from your GP, or because of the highly specialised nature of Dr Cassar’s services, you may also be referred to Dr Cassar by an optometrist, another ophthalmologist or specialist such as an endocrinologist.

Dr Cassar is able to accommodate urgent appointments if necessary; your referrer is able to request this.


Please contact us for information on current fees. Dr Cassar has agreements with a number of health insurance providers, including BUPA and Medibank Private, to provide a no gap service depending on the circumstance.

What to bring to your appointment?

  • Your referral letter
  • Medicare card, DVA card, Pension Card
  • Your most recent glasses and/or contacts
  • A list of medications that you are taking
  • Private Health Insurance information, if you have it
  • Copies of results, x-rays, MRIs, CT scans etc and any other relevant information

What to

Your consultation will normally include a full history, vision testing and intraocular pressure measurement.  Drops will be administered to enlarge your pupil to allow an examination of the internal eye.  These drops take about 30 minutes to take effect.  It is recommended that you bring a relative or friend to your appointment as you will be unable to drive home because the dilation of your eyes will last for several hours and make your vision slightly blurry.

Our Locations

Westside Eye Doctors
Suite 5
180 Moggill Road
Taringa Old 4068
Phone 07 3188 5185
Suite 27-28 McCullough Specialist Centre
259 McCullough St
Sunnybank Qld 4109
NEW PHONE NUMBER 07 3801 7088